Amelia - The Aviator
An expert of aviation.
Likes: window seats, aerospace engineering, trailblazers.
Dislikes: detractors, misogynists, sea travel.
Babe - The Sportsman
American baseball player
Likes: New York, baseball, books with mostly pictures.
Dislikes: ‘Pansy sports’, Chicago, tying your own laces.
Charlie - The Actor
A famed English comic actor
Likes: job opportunities, magic tricks, physical comedy.
Dislikes: peanuts, Germans, anyone who wears a tie to work.
Coco - The French fashion designer
Likes: soft lace tiers, black coffee, diamonds. Dislikes: tourists, cheap knock offs, tweed.
Eleanor - The First Lady
An American role model for women
Likes: democracy, brandy, coffee, novels.
Dislikes: transparency, conflict, journalists.
Eva - The German Dancer
Illegitimate daughter of John Tiller, founder of the world famous Tiller Girls dance troupes.
Likes: long exposure photography, Europeans, Italian wine.
Dislikes: British food, invasive questions, moustaches.
Henry - The Rich Carmaker
Super-rich American car manufacturer and businessman
Likes: coffee with cream, offensive caricatures, sports.
Dislikes: labour unions, taxes, holidays.
Jesse - The Athlete
An African-American athlete
Likes: challenge, gold, sarsaparilla.
Dislikes: silver or bronze, other sports, politicians.
Lillian - The Entrepreneur
American entrepreneur, Walt's wife
Likes: Cartoon characters, fashion, sole jurisdiction.
Dislikes: Adoption paperwork, Looney Tunes, tax audits.
Salvador - The Artist
A Spanish surrealist artist
Likes: anteaters, rhododendrons, paella.
Dislikes: the creatively stunted, anyone clean shaven, reality.
Smoothface - The Mobster
An Italian American mobster
Likes: baseball, New York, semi-automatic weapons
Dislikes: fashion, authority, taxes.
Virginia - The Writer
An English modernist author
Likes: interesting characters, meandering plots, engaging female figures.
Dislikes: Armchair experts, Americans, people who read over your shoulder.