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The story behind Fat Egg and the games

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Fat Egg was born on our annual holiday away with two of our very good friends in February, 2022. I needed something to help me overcome a lot of grief and sadness that seemed to be consuming me from the inside. I know it is not a fun or exciting way to start a business let alone a murder mystery game business, but here I am now on the bright side loving every moment I get to spend on Fat Egg.

Ever since I was a child I loved games - board games, card games, you name it I loved it. Around 2018 I partook in my first escape room and a whole new world opened up - it was interactive and fun and I wanted more. I found (as you can easily do as well if you Google it) about 5-10 businesses who offered murder mystery games and I got hooked. I think over the past years we played about 30+ games and so on a sunny February day (after a number of drinks by the pool) the idea was born to have a go and set up my own murder mysteries business.

Within the first few weeks I had about 100 ideas for mysteries and plots, so whilst creating the logo and setting up the website I was busy researching ways to kill someone - I know! My husband looked at me suspiciously on a number of occasions thinking I want to do away with him:) - rest assured dear reader - he is still well and alive!

So having had the frame I had to find some creative people to help me fill the gaps which meant I needed to find some writers and oh boy I have been so lucky! I have now worked with over half a dozen of amazing, creative writers to create all the games you can buy on the website with one goal: provide you and your group with some time to escape into a fun world of mystery games.

I really hope you like our games as much as we have enjoyed creating them for you.


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