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Player guide

A man with a red cape and red mask

What do you need to know as a player?

The most important thing to note is you don't need to prepare anything to play a Fat Egg murder mystery if you don't want to.


Just make sure your phone is charged, you have your reading glasses handy, and be ready to exchange banter via the script provided and discuss your suspicions between each rounds!


To get the most of out of playing a Fat Egg murder mystery, we recommend following these 5 steps:


  1. Check out the background information provided before the game

  2. Dress up as your character (if you wish)

  3. Stick to the script - more or less. (Never make up lies, but feel free to express yourself with the help of the script)

  4. Have fun, ask questions, and accuse the character/s you think committed the crime!

  5. Play another game!


Completely new to murder mystery games?


If you are completely new to the world of murder mysteries, we have put together this helpful scenario of what to expect and think about, using a character from one of our games as an example!


First of all, imagine a murder mystery game as a combination of going for a themed costume party mixed with some mystery that includes reading out loud and a bit of acting if you wish.


Your host will give you some further information before the game is due to start - this information is to allow you to understand your character a bit better and the current situation they are in, as well as the script you need to read. 


As mentioned earlier, you don't have to prepare anything to play the game. You have all the information you need in the script. But if you want to dress up or find out more about the character, it's worth reading the pack beforehand!


In this example, your character is Teddy Prestley. You are due to perform in a retirement home to celebrate Philip O'Reilly's 100th birthday when you find out that Philip has been found dead (gasp!).

As part of the information your host shares with you, other facts will be provided such as:


  • you are in your 20's

  • you are an entertainer - an Elvis impersonator

  • you like Graceland (home of Elvis)

  • you dislike hairspray​


There is a lot you can do with this character, so the limits are your imagination.


If you wish, you can:


  • listen to some Elvis songs (a music playlist is provided so you can get in the mood for the game!)

  • turn some of your clothes into what he used to wear

  • get a blow up (or a real) guitar and bring it to the game

  • do your hair in Elvis style


OK, preparation done (or not) and it is time for the game!


Once the game begins, what you're meant to say is all provided to you so don't worry about having to make anything up! Simply read the script. But do feel free to bring your character more to life by dancing, singing or simply flirting with all the ladies if you wish.


The best thing to do is to try a game and have fun!


If you have any suggestions for us at Fat Egg, then please drop us an email at and we will aim to help the best way we can.

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